Friday, January 8, 2010

Halloween Storytime @ Tallyn's Reach Library

We did a group storytime for Halloween, this is a tradition for us here at the library. We usually do some kind of performance because well, it is "SUPER FUN".

I linked the video of the performance so you can watch it first hand!

We adapted the story"By the Light of the Halloween Moon" by Caroline Stutson into a puppet show (with no puppet stage!). We made some puppets but we also went searching for characters in Halloween shops, etc to turn into puppets. All together we had a Spider, Ghost, Skeleton, Witch, Ghoul, and Bat. All of these creatures are trying to bite a little girl's toe (played by me). The children reacted really well to this one and were surprised by all the characters popping out of the curtain.

Next, we sang "The Monster Mash" which was super great. We even had our own choreographed moves as you can see in the video!

Our last story was "The Thirteen Days of Halloween" by Carol Greene. Gita sang the song in a terrific high pitched witches voice (it was really great) as each of us in the background held up each of the thirteen presents that are given. For the presents we just scanned the images out of the book and printed them on cardstock, decorated with glitter to create a more eye-catching effect, and glued Popsicle sticks to the back for ease of use. As we held each present up (which were very gross gooey Halloween-like) we made some kind of sound effect. For instance when we said 5 howling ghosts we made howling ghosts noises. The kids really liked this one, I think mainly for all the crazy creatures that were presents and because it is familiar to them.

Then after our last story we handed out little goody bags, which of course the kids LOVED!

Overall it went well, we didn't have as much of a turn out because the day before we were closed due to a snow storm. So I don't think grown ups wanted to go out, but it was still a nice crowd.

The "Thirteen Days of Halloween" video is in a separate post titled "Thirteen Days of Halloween" post because of the size I had to separate it. I tried to do this 5 million times and the video just won't upload not sure why but I am going to let it go! Sorry!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Catching Up

This is the first time in two years that I am burned out on reading. I know can you believe it! But I haven't read for like two weeks, until this morning when I started up "Coop" again. I guess I just have had a lot on my mind and I can't seem to concentrate. But I think I am out of my reading slump and I am back on the wagon. So get ready for some great reviews!

As a librarian I kind of feel bad about being in a reading slump I don't think we should ever feel this way? And like most people reading is an escape a stress reliever but this is not the case for me. I can't ever seem to calm my mind with reading. Is this strange? Not sure? But I actually really enjoyed my few pages of "Coop" this morning it brought a smile to my face and brightened my ever-so drifting dream of owning land and having farm animals and a garden.

The sad thing is I had to force myself to sit down and read this morning which is never the case. Usually on work days in the morning I have to rip myself from my book and wish a thousand times that I could just sit snuggled up and read all day. But now that I do have the time to read it doesn't seem to be a pleasure I long for but more of a disposable activity that I am available to do at anytime.

Well there you go a little thought from an off the wagon librarian!