Saturday, May 15, 2010

Colorado Teen Literature Conference April 10 2010

CTLC totally blew me away! Well not exactly but I was impressed, they put on a great conference. All the workshops were geared to all things teen, which is hard to get at local conferences like the CAL conference, so I was very happy. They also had great food, which is always a plus. Both keynote speakers were fabulous, Matt de la Pena and Ellen Hopkins were funny and inspirational at the same time which was perfect for the teen audience. 

The breakout sessions I attended were as follows,
Oops I Started a Cult and Other Teen Book Bundles by Gigi Yang and Erica Segraves
Really practical and provided us with detail info on how to do the same thing at our own libraries. I really want to try this out at our library hopefully soon.

The YA Blogosphere: Hip, Fun, and Fabulous! (And Let’s Not Forget Intelligent!) By Sarah Wethern
This one was good too, and I learned about a lot of great new blogs to add to my Google Reader.

I Know You Are, but What Am I? By Lauren Myracle
AMAZING, probably my fav out of the bunch just because Lauren is so funny and just a great person in general. Made some really great points about censorship and how we have to just be open-minded and really put ourselves in other people’s shoes.

Here is the link to a few of the presentations

We had three teens come with us, which was really great and they enjoyed the conference as much as we did. Overall a really great day and I learned a lot of practical and inspiring things to bring back to the library, which is AWESOME!

I will definitely go next year! I wonder who will be the guest authors????

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